Seeking Victim Information in Sunset Mesa Funeral Directors Investigation
Seeking Victim Information in Sunset Mesa Funeral Directors Investigation
The FBI is currently conducting an investigation into Sunset Mesa Funeral Directors and related individuals and entities. Given the public response to this investigation, the FBI has developed this questionnaire to assist with the investigative process.
The FBI will contact individuals that it believes may have information relevant to this investigation. The FBI will be testing a select set of cremains (ashes) as determined by the investigation. The FBI Lab, or any other lab that may be used, likely cannot test for DNA to determine if cremains are from a specific deceased individual (decedent). Testing will only determine whether cremains are a foreign substance or from the cremation of a human. At this time, the FBI cannot commit to testing all cremains that were received from the individuals in question. The FBI is working to find a testing option for other cremains from the public.
If you have any questions regarding this questionnaire or resources for victims, please e-mail